Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Food for the Spirit January 4, 2012

I am going to go ahead a post tomorrow's Food For the Spirit since I will be at work tomorrow.
Today's Food for the spirit comes from my new devotional that I have on my iPhone entitiled "Experiencing God's Renewal." The passage is Colossians 3:1-17. It speaks about the fact that when we are born again as Christians, our old sinful ways die with our old self. We must see our lives here on Earth as simply what they are, Earthly lives. I have been struggling with this a bit, as I have been putting some Earthy things ahead of my Christian walk. This is not something I am proud of and it will continue to be a struggle each day. We must all remember that we cannot take anything from this Earth with us when we leave, and we ar eonly passing through. I am vowing to try to live my life with that belief, and to live like I know that death isn't the end, but only th beginning of something much greater, an eternal like spent with my Father in Heaven!!

Love in Christ!!

The Golden Years?? Where is the Gold??

Hey everyone!!! This is post number two for the day (I know aren't you so lucky!!) but it is one that is near and dear to my heart. My mom, Betty, is on a mission to get senior citizens added to the WIC program in order to provde them with the necessary nutrients that they need to live happily and healthy in their golden years. She has shared the story of my grandmother on the facebook site Help Our Senior Citizens that she created. She, along with many other friends and family, have emailed and petitioned local and state government officials to assist in this endeavor. I know from working in the medical field how many seniors have to choose their medication over food and bills, and this program would provide them with dairy, bread, and other food that is important in the prevention and control of osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension, and many other illnesses. Mom is currently looking for anyone who has a story of a senior citizen who has been in these type of situations. Please visit her facebook page at the above link, or email her at brlchild@bellsouth.net with your story or ideas of how to help.
Our government has already taken so much away from them. It is time for us to help. After all, they have protected and cared for us and helped us be halty and successful.

In Chrisian Love.

Back with a new resolution.... Save more money in 2012!!

So, I have been couponing now for a little over a year, not including my little hiatus I took over Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have found that I can save around 50-60% on my weekly grocery bill by using coupons. But I still end up spending more money on things that are necessary, but not what I would call "great" savings. Things such as laundry and Dish detergent rank at the top of my list of these items. Today I want to share a couple of recipes that I have found (thanks to Pinterest, my newest addiction) to make these two items.

The laundry detergent is the most complicated of the two, but is still fairly simple. I will be sharing a recipe for the liquid as well as the powder.

First, Liquid Laundry detergent.

  • Borax ($2.99 at Walmart)
  • Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda (NOT Baking Soda–$2.99 at Walmart) For those of you near the Mid TN area, the only place I found that was in the Florence AL Walmart. You can also google and buy it online.
  • Fels-Naptha Soap Bar ($0.97 at Walmart)
  • 5-gallon bucket with lid (around $8 at Home Depot; 4 for lid, 4 for bucket)
  • 10 gallon milk jugs (or other containers) that have been cleaned and rinsed ( I am using the old laundry containers that my loving hubby has tossed around the garage when they are empty, cleaned of course)
  • OPTIONAL:  Essential Oil Drops for fragrance (We used Yankee Candle Company oil. You have to be careful of what kind you buy, because certain oils will actually stain your clothes)
1.  Grate the entire bar of the Fels-Naptha soap. I grated it using the biggest grating blade.
2.  Put in a pot with 4 cups of hot water.  Stir continuously over medium-low heat until all of the soap flakes have dissolved and melted (about 10 minutes). Make sure your are over medium-low heat, and you watch the soap continuously, or you will have a boiled over mess!!
3.  Fill a 5-gallon bucket half-full of hot water.
4.  Pour in the soap mixture.  Add 1 cup of Arm & Hammer Washing Soda and 1/2 cup Borax.  Stir.
5.  Fill the rest of the 5-gallon bucket with water until it is full.  Stir again.
6.  Cover and let it sit overnight.
7.  When you open the top up the next day, it should have gelled and thickened slightly.  Stir again.
8.  Use a funnel to fill a clean laundry detergent container (or gallon-size milk jug) and fill it HALF way with the soap mixture.  Fill the other half with water and shake.

I have only made this one time, but it seems to be similar to our All and arm and hammer that we buy.

Recipe thanks to http://www.icanteachmychild.com/. She has lots of neat stuff there!!

Now for the powdered version.

1 4 lb 12 oz box Borax (2.15 kg or 76 oz) found in the detergent isle
1 4 lb box Arm & Hammer Baking Soda (1.81 kg) found in the cooking isle or detergent isle

1  box Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda 55 oz (3 lb 7 oz) found in the detergent isle

3 bars of Fels-naptha soap, found in the detergent isle

2 small containers of oxyclean or store brand oxyclean (try to get about 3.5 lbs total (1.58 kg)) found in the detergent isle.
(this is optional, I added it into mine because I have pretty messy kids and the cleaner the better)

You should be able to find all of these items at your grocery store.

1. Start out by grating your Fels-naptha soap. Don't worry the Fels-naptha will dissolve in your washer even if you only use cold water.
2. Toss all ingredients in a 5 gallon bucket lined with a garbage bag. Mix Well. Once everything is mixed store soap however you like.

This recipe courtesy of http://beingcreativetokeepmysanity.blogspot.com/.

And now for the Dish Washer Detergent:

Dishwasher Detergent ingredients:
1 box Borax (4lbs 12 oz or 76 oz ) (2.15 kg) found in the detergent isle
1 box Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda (55 oz or 3 lbs 7 oz) found in the detergent isle
24 packages of unsweetened lemonade drink mix, like kool-aid. (**Note: lemonade will stain soap dispenser yellow, another option would be to use citric acid instead of lemonade. You can usually find citric acid in the canning isle )
3 cups Epsom Salt
LemiShine rinse aid (this recipe does not work very well without it) Sprinkle about a Tablespoon in the bottom of the dishwasher before you start the load.

Mix Borax, washing soda, salt and lemonade together in a large, very large, bowl. When ingredients are mixed together well put soap in a container of your choice. I bought a pitcher at Walmart for around $4 to store mine in. This recipe makes a little more than will fit, so I put the rest in a ziplock bag. It does get hard, so you have to mix it up every once in a while, but so does the bought stuff.

Total Spent:
Liquid Laundry Detergent: $10.95 (I took out the price of the bucket since it can be used over and over.)This should equal about 180 loads for a top loading washer (like mine). That is $0.06 per load. (It is around $0.01 for a front loader because you use less!!)

Powder Laundry Detergent:About the same as Liquid, but it will last anywhere from 9 months to a year. That equals about $0.03 per load if you do one load of laundry per day!!

Dish Detergent: $10.80 will last for about 5 months, as you only use one Tablespoon at a time. With a little estimation: That is $2.16/month, $0.54/week, or, if you only do one load per day, $0.08 per load!!

Price Comparison:
I am going to compare the Laundry Detergent to my favorite Brand, ALL.

You will pay about $12 for a 96 load container of ALL. That is before coupons, which rarely save ou more than $3. So lets just say $9. That equals $0.09/ load and that is IF you can find those coupons that are $3. Make it yourself and Saver $0.03-0.06 per load.

Have fun Saving!!


Friday, September 16, 2011

Ok Government, Let's Think About This for a Minute....

I have to say that I have never been so worried about the state of our economy as I am now. I, along with many others are unemployed (even with college degrees). The Federal Government is having to scrape to find money. Maybe if we just look at te obvious issues, we will see the problem. And taking a look at the Bible would probably be good as well.
I feel like we should begin looking at those who receive government assistance. People who get food stamps, WIC, TennCare (or equivalent) and other funding. I know of far too many people who are commiting fraud agaist the government in order to recieve these items. Most of this is people who recieve these funds while living together without claiming the other person as income. Whatever happened to getting married first?? So many people are choosing to not get married because they will then have to claim the other's income and will lose their funds. So, they go out, take vacations, buy fancy electronics, but then also get their food, insurance, childcare, school, and sometimes gas mileage paid for by us, the taxpayer. I hold issue with this, especially when they talk about taking money from my Granny's food stamps and social security that she deserves since she can't work at 76 years old. Why don' we institute drug screenings like Florida and random suprise home visits for those who receive these government funds. This would probably catch some of those who are cohabitating without reporting it, as well as those who aren't taking proper care of their children. I have heard, although I cannot say for certain, that women on state assistance can have a child and stay at home for the first year of the child's life while drawing welfare and other government assistance. This is supposedly to encourage bonding with the child. I was at home for 6 months of Annalee's life and then went back to work and a more bonded with her than most of the moms who do this. Also, what prevents this woman from having a child every year that we as taxpayers have to support?? Not only that, but there are so many who make cash (and substantial amounts of cash) and don't claim it, then draw alot of money in assistance. I even claim the money I make for my growing bow business. Why can't everyone else??
So, I say that we need to revamp not our social security program, but our Welfare program. Let's weed out the people who are violaing the program, then maybe there will still be a USA here for my child. And Yours.

In Christian Love,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Divine Diva Deal of the Day- September 13, 2011

I know that I am always posting Kroger deals, but I love coupon shopping there!! They now have a football game going on on their site, and you can win coupons for FREE items!! Today I won a free box of Newton's Fruit Thins (which I LOVE!!) Below is the link. You can play once each day for 12 more days. So play each day to get a chance at something FREE!!

Kroger Kick Off to Savings

In Christian Love,


Monday, September 12, 2011

New Book Club Beginning October 1st!!

I am planning to begin a new book club on October 1st, 2011. The first book will be "A Woman After God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George. I have heard many, many good things about this book, and since the Proverbs 31 woman is considered the woman after God's heart, then I thought this would be a good place to start. You only would need to purchase the book and have Windows Messenger to participate in the club. We will be meeting every Tuesday morning at 11 am and every Tuesday Evening at 7 pm. Both times we will be discussing the same lesson, this just gives two opportunities for you to join in. There is also a workbook that you can purchase to go along with the book that would probably be helpful. Please comment below so that I know you are interested and get your copy of the book. I have a link to Amazon below where you can get used copies of the book for pretty cheap. I look forward to spending this time of study with all of you!!

Love in Christ,


Food for the Spirit September 12, 2011

After yesterday being the anniversary of September 11th, I have decided that today's devotion should be about having faith in God to get us through all the tough times. It makes a good point, that Christians do not always have a life full of Victory, but that we must have trials in our lives in order for there to be a Victory. But we must never forget that we al have Victory in Jesus!!

Enjoy this devotion from Worthy Devotions!!

Love in Christ!!